Not being able to speak or understand a foreign language - whether in a business or personal situation - can be frustrating, embarrassing and time-consuming. Such language constraints, however, are easily overcome through the use of Atlantic Languages’ telephone interpreting service. With instant access to mother tongue speakers of over 150 languages, our quality service is easy, very fast and totally affordable.
Total Availability
Our service is available 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No matter what time zone, time of day or day of the week, you can be sure that Atlantic Languages is readily available to provide you with the necessary assistance.
Quality Interpretation
All our interpreters are qualified, experienced mother-tongue interpreters, fully tested by us - and totally used to phone format. Clients with specialist subject matters are catered for by the use and development of terminology and glossary databanks.
Your personal account number enables easy access. You can be talking to your contact in seconds - for as long or as short as you like. And remember you only pay for the time you use it ... even right down to the second.
Secure, confidential and sure
We only use the best and safest technology. For added security, you are issued with your own personal account number and PIN.
All our interpreters are vetted and are absolute parties to non-disclosure agreements.
Very Affordable
You only pay for the time you use the service, right down to the second. There is no subscription payment required and you will only be billed at the end of the month for any usage made.
Scope and Range of Uses
Used by government bodies, local authorities, health authorities, police, legal and financial organisations, insurance, commercial and industrial concerns, the hospitality industry as well as individuals such as buyers, credit controllers, sales & marketing people - in fact, almost anyone who finds themselves limited by a language.
For a list of the languages that we offer and to download the instructions for using our telephone interpreting service,